A collaboration with Nieke Koek and Harpo 't Hart, 2018

ballet mecanique
Disclaimer: Due to the compositional approach of the sound material and the aimed for presentation of the piece with a proper PA system, certain sounds would be inaudible on laptop speakers and home entertainment systems. These sounds, and especially the 50 Hz bass sound, have been modified in order to make them audible for preview purposes. Making this documentation best to be listened at with a hifi headphone.
A kinetic installation by Gosse de Kort and Nieke Koek.
In collaboration with composer Harpo ’t Hart and choreographer Amos Ben Tal
In De School, during the Amsterdam Dance Event, the Kort en Koek showed their mechanical dance installation Four Axes and a Frame, with a live soundscape by composer Harpo 't Hart. The installation consists of four rotating vertical axes to which hundreds of thin strings are attached, which during the composition transform from an abstract object to a poetic visualization of a body in action. The work is a tribute to body control and a study of the way in which humans project their physical behaviour onto moving objects and matter.
This four axes version of the installation Axis (2016) is based on the work Grid 3: Lozenge by Piet Mondriaan and was shown in cooperation with music theater ensemble de Veenfabriek and Okapi, among others, in the Gemeente Museum Den Haag.
For this new composition they were inspired by the work Ballet Mécanique by Fernand Léger and George Antheil. Antheil regarded everything in music as a rhythm. He saw a tone like a fast rhythm and a rhythm as a slow tone.
During the creative process, choreographer Amos Ben Tal was involved in the project as an outside eye to share his vision on the different movement sequences.